Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Body Composition and Calorie Burn

Interesting estimates on the effects of body comp on metabolism...

Estimates for my height and age - 5'3" & 25 years old

The Body Mass Index (BMI) obviously has it's flaws and does not account for muscle mass and other body composition factors.

The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) assumes you did nothing but rest all day, it is purely supposed to represent the calories required to maintain your body functions (i.e. breathing). (Here the Mifflin-St. Jeor equations for BMR were used)

At 110 pounds:
BMI: 19.5 (Healthy)
BMR: 1,213 calories/day

At 120 pounds:
BMI: 21.3 (Healthy)
BMR: 1,258 calories/day

At 170 pounds:
BMI: 30.1 (Obese)
BMR: 1,485 calories/day

At 250 pounds:
BMI: 44.3 (Obese)
BMR: 1,848 calories/day (Picture this: laying in bed all day and eating about 14 pounds or 28 heads of broccoli to maintain your weight)

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